Thursday, November 25, 2010


we are asked to built a stage...we gather at dome site....discussion....

we passing the bamboo...we work together....


we built the bamboo tent....

half finish....

but some doing nothing...

we put some reinforcement to prevent it collapse...

shutdown of rus 101 will held at dome site on 27 oct...i realise tat if we work hand in hand ,all thing will be finish in time...we should work together...

Friday, November 19, 2010


i think the transformation that i experience have many....

management time
physically &mentally strong

througt all of assignment...i experience its....
it make my life more meaningful...
althought the time doing assignment is very hard..
but it is the most unforgetable time 4 me..

Friday, November 5, 2010


exbition....the studio is ready visit by ppl....excited....
on that day morning...i not help in studio...i help in prepare food....
so i dont know what happen in exbit....
but i still get the news from my frenz that exbit is ok...perfect...

after exbit...all having teatime at dome site...

some having inside dome....quite nice....

happily eating....

after teatime....i have a visit to studio...

i found a 3d spec...nice...creative....

decoration and view in studio....

on visit...i found my picture on some other dymanxion...

happy to see it....

and some are very creative....

my dymanxion....i like memory on there....

on 4 pm.....i m going to e48b to present....

after that.....foong is doing conclusion bout exbit..

and last photo session....

done by juet fang.....


on 24/10/ is dome assembly...another assignment...... 10c...

nobody come t dome site at we go to studio.....we discover a big tensigrity done by gan...

i help to put up the mask.....

my mask...

after finish....i go to dome site....

many are helping in this assembly...

including my frenz...

some tired until sit on ground....

skru the strut...

dr najib is giving instruction....

holding the strut ......hard time... strut is broken...they replace by another.....

half finish.....

connection......means interaction,relation among hbp students & studiomasters....

dr.illias also come to see our progression...

we take photo while resting...

on resting time,i go to studio....

i found a dymanxion....

it is special.....

very artistic......done by teh weng jen.....

a few nice dome on ceiling & wall.....

picture draw by jonathan......nice.....

the arrangement of dymanxion...

and arrangement of tensigrity....

a stair done by encik wan....

part 2 dome assembly.....

helping each other....