Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The APEX Leap to 2012

on 4 october,we attended a talk "The APEX Leap to 2012".The talk given by Encik Wan.He begun the talk by introduced 3P to us,that is people(BIG Advisory Panel and BIG Executive Committee) ,place(USM,USM Bamboo Botanic Garden ,Universiti Recreation Park (TRUSM)) and principle(sustainability principle (model or paradigm)).
He emphasized on BIG 's APEX Journey(Bamboo Interest Group).In order to let us more understand BIG scope of work,he used fruit as an analogy,containing seed ,flesh and skin.While the 3P Paradigm is its DNA.

He said that bamboo naturally fulfills the APEX Points such as future,unique, sustainable,humane,universal,change and sacrify.But the seventh point sacrify is up to us.So what can we do ?What can we sacrify ?
Throught the assignment that given by 1b,i realize that without sacrify ,we cant manage to do it.To do the dome or 2012 craft,we have to coorperate,we have to work in team.We sacrify ourself,our time and our energy.We learn how to work with other and respect other opinion.That is what we sacrify...
Throught the assignmnet i get lots of hurt,i dont mind it.I still do it seriously.That is also i saw it from rus 101 students.

Besides that,from the lecture,I understand that we have to search and come up with alternatives to the following: 1. Ideology; 2. Politics; 3. Economy; 4. Social System; 5. Culture; 6. Education; 7. Military; 8. Law.
We are exposed to 21 December 2012 and Beyond Scenario (Bamboo Research Village Square).We are adviced "sediakan payung sebelum hujan",prepared before something is happen.So,one more time ,we are exposed to the assignment on suggest and apply intention on IBU for the safety and rescue of all families and whatever provision needed for 40 day.

After that,there are q &a session.There are several question asked by lectures and students.Example:
Q:How the IBU and PONDOK function if earthquake happen in 2012 other than flood?(From Grace)
A:many building in south africa is made of bamboo to prevent earthquake.We should learn by doing for sustainable purposes.
Q:What is the lifespan of bamboo?(From Swee Bee)
A:We dont know.It needed research.Eg at Istana Kuala Kangsar,the bamboo is 150 years.
Some bamboo can survive until thousand years.
And i have question but didnt raised it out.Does the Ibu and Pondok can face all disasters?My question is nearly same with the question from Grace.So,i get the answer.ha.

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